Friday, December 08, 2006

Following Up

Tying up some loose ends...

...marathon training is officially off (for now). ITBS has sidelined me, but I'm hoping that 6 weeks of resting, stretching, and exercising the right muscle groups will allow me to resume training in '07. Of course, I'll have to see if I have the activation energy to get out the door in that cold, winter, morning air.

...paper reviews finally came after 7.5 weeks after submission. The two reviewers were evenly split. Ironically, the reviewer that accepted the paper had bigger beefs with it than the one that rejected it. I've got just one more experiment to carry out before we send it back. Unfortunately, it's going to be a bear of an experiment. If I'm lucky, it will be done in 1 week. If not, it could be another month.

...job search. Well, I've pretty much written off the job search and now I'm focusing on the post-doc search. Since I'm looking to completely change fields, I've essentially been "cold calling" people to inquire about postdocs. I think I'm batting around .500 for people being interested, which I would consider pretty good considering they have no idea who I am (other than what I've represented on my CV). I'm nervously looking forward to meeting them in person. I'm looking for a healthy lab environment with a nice, sane, smart advisor. Hopefully one of these labs will fit the bill.

...this blog. Ummm... I guess I've been on hiatus unintentionally. I guess sometimes you get so busy with everything else that you have to let other things go. Well, I'll see if I can get back into blogging at least every week, if not more often.


Anonymous Poker Manual said...

I hope, you will find the correct decision. Do not despair.

2:42 PM  

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