Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Keep on Trucking

Each year, I have a "big picture" talk with my advisor. I think that this kind of talk should probably be happening 2 or 3 times a year, but my advisor isn't much for advising and this is about as much as I can get out of him.

Anyway, I've blogged about how these chats have gone in the past. Each time, I ask my advisor for one major piece of advice I should remember to be more successful during the upcoming year. During this year's talk, his advice boiled down to one of my favorite cliches: Keep on trucking.

Basically, he said I'm doing great. I know what I'm doing technically. I know what the important questions are in the field. I've got some good projects going. I've got a talented undergrad that is cranking along. So, what more is there to do, but keep on trucking?

My advisor also gave me the green light to prepare to defend my dissertation in March/April of next year. I guess that means I have to write my dissertation now and prepare myself to jump through all the bureaucratic hoops positioned between me and my PhD.


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